Monday, January 3, 2011

Day one down...many more to follow

Ya know, things usually look really different at the end of the day than they do at the beginning. Usually, the fervor and motivation turn to frustration and However, I found out today that "usually" doesn't have to apply in my life anymore.

I enjoyed my walk/ made me energized for the rest of the day. Because I was already moving around, I had sufficient time to get ready for work and still make my lunch. I had a healthy and satisfying lunch of chicken tortilla and salad with tomatoes and carrots. Can you say yummy? I did have to get a Special K protein bar for a snack because I was craving something sweet. Also, I did indulge in my all time favorite: Diet Mt. Dew. However, instead of having 5 or 6...I had 2. Small victory, but it feels good! To keep hunger at bay, I kept sipping on water all day long.

I did have Sushi for dinner, but I also followed it up with no dessert lol.

I have to admit, I would really love to eat my weight in cookie dough right now and then smoke an entire pack of cigarettes, but I won't. Cause it's not worth it...and I am worth sooo much more. Thanks for the encouragement guys!

The picture I'm posting below is from my cousin's wedding in November. Hopefully next November, you won't even be able to recognize that girl!

New Year, New Life

So, like so many other people that I know, I started 2011 with quite a few New Year's Resolutions. I inwardly cringe every time this is mentioned because I know that it is rare that I actually keep these promises to myself. However, this year, I believe it is time to start keeping promises to me! Also, in order to hold myself accountable, I'm going to keep this blog going so you guys can keep track of my progress (or lack thereof)!

To begin, Christmas was amazing with family and friends and my precious kitties, Oliver and Isabel(photos to follow). They are so good to be so patient with me!

Of course, with the Christmas season came all of the goodies that my mom loves to make. Thus, I found myself on the scale this morning, looking at an obscene number....are you ready for it? 203lbs! I honestly couldn't believe it. I mean, hello fatty. Did I mention that my high school reunion is in June? So...I've decided to do something about all this nonsense.

Today marks day 2 of being an absolutely NON smoker! Yay! I've gone back and forth with it for the past few years, but I've come to the point where I'm ready to give it up, so here it goes! Btw...if I'm cranky the next couple of weeks, so sorry. lol.
Yes, I started today at 203lbs...but I also woke up earlier, and took Bella, our precious black lab for a walk/jog. I made it 40 minutes! So that's a start, right? Afterward, I ate a small bowl of special K cerial, and I'm about to have an apple. Of course, i'm drinking more water than I have in the past year.
Anyway, I haven't had any caffeine yet today, so this might all be a little random. Forgive me. I've got to go get ready for work. My new job, Burch and Hatfield Tuxedo and formal wear, is absolutely amazing and another big reason for me to get myself in shape. Do you know how depressing it is to work around so many beautiful bridal gowns and to not be able to fit in even one of them? Exactly.
Well people, I hope this hasn't been too boring. If you have any good workout/meal ideas for low calories, let me know!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Life Lately

So, life lately has been more than a little crazy. This fall I went back into teaching, this time at Sparkman high school. And as you know, I must be entirely crazy, because guess who teaches next door to me? Mom. Yep. Both the Madison ladies are teaching Spanish at the same school. Honestly though, I love having my mentor so close. It helps though that I live in Decatur and they live in Huntsville. The drive back and forth every day isn't great, but I like having the distance.

I am also undertaking the huge task of getting my Masters in Foreign Language Education. I have to admit that the distance learning course at Auburn is awesome and so far, I'm making A's. But let me tell you, juggling all of this isn't easy.

We just celebrated both Homecoming and Spirit Week at school. Homecoming week included Character Day, Sadie Hawkins Day, Twin Day, Tacky Day, and Spirit Day. Some of these pictures are from that week. Oh how I love my crazy students! A good friend of mine, Johnny Berry, is actually teaching with me as well. It brought back memories from OHS days for both of us.

Friday night was girl's night out for my best friend Beth's birthday. It was most definitely a hilarious time filled with random people asking for her response? 23. That's the place you are in line to get her number. Come back in two years and maybe I'll give it to you. :)

Yesterday was a harrowing day of watching the Tide almost not win. Thank you God for Terrance Cody and Lee Tiffin! ROLL TIDE!'

Today, my sweet baby kitties - Oliver and Isabel, are taking advantage of the opportunity to chill with their very busy mommy. Don't they look cute?